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How to use the Roadmap with Tabs shortcode

The standard Roadmap shortcode might not be the best UI for your users, especially if you’re showing all 6 Idea statuses, as having 6 columns of data can get pretty cumbersome on smaller devices.

That’s why we also have the Roadmap Tabs shortcode, which displays a horizontal tab bar consisting of your selected statuses, and clicking a tab displays the relevant ideas below. This can be a much more responsive solution than the standard Roadmap shortcode.

Ideas have 5 possible statuses, Closed, Maybe, New Idea, Up Next and On Roadmap. You can display a grid of ideas and choose which of these statuses to display ideas from using the Roadmap Tabs shortcode.


[roadmap_tabs status="closed"] or maybe [roadmap_tabs status="maybe, up next, on roadmap"]

Add that shortcode wherever you want to display your roadmap, and add the statuses that you want to display in the status attribute, separated by commas.


Here’s an example of what it might look like on the frontend:

Colors of the tab container, tab backgrounds and tab text color can be modified in RoadMap > Settings